UASV is a young nonprofit corporation in the most Western province of Austria ( With bachelor and master degree courses in the fields of economics, technology, design, social and health studies, it is the leading academic educational institution in Vorarlberg. UASV is, with a total of six research centres, also one of the Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria with the most extensive research activity.

UASV is an European University within the transnational alliance RUN (, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionizing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.

The following three examples are representative for its work:

  • the analysis of social and organisational resources and utilities in the profit- and non profitsector, as well as in society in general
  • customer and market research – including the analysis of attitudes, opinions, motifs, behaviour, etc. of various target groups
  • performance evaluation – the supervision, evaluation and development of methods and projects in the three relevant socio-educational sectors health, demographics and education.
