Archivio della Memoria (AdM) is a University Spin Off based in the Scientific Park of the Torvergata University of Rome. Tor Vergata University is the second public University of Rome and hosts more than 25.000 students with 6 Faculties and over 4.000 professor and administrative staff. 

Archivio della Memoria was founded in 2002 and developed, during the last 20 years, an historical, anthropological and sociological research activity in social and cultural fields, to bring to light documents and give value to local culture, traditions and knowledge. 

AdM operates both in urban areas and in small towns, in Italy and abroad, actively interacting with local communities, especially those characterized by marginalization and social disadvantage, developing best practices in the field of adult education, qualitative and quantitative research, in visual documentation and lifelong learning, organizing educational projects either for adults or children and young people in the subjects of its competence.
